We take pride in making your photo as good as possible. To do this, please follow the suggestions.
Make sure your picture file size is at least 150KB and no more than 1MB.
Take a picture standing against any solid color background.
Wear contrasting clothing (if the background is white, wear dark color clothing).
Keep your hair nice and neat (minimize "flyaways").
Make sure the picture is chest up.
No webcam pictures.
Use a well lit room, without overbearing lights. Natural lighting is best.
You will get your tracking number in about 7-10 days from the Order/Payment Date for
non-Rushed orders. Rushed orders will get their tracking numbers in about 3-4 business
days. Login onto your account HERE to track your order. The tracking number will be available when the status changes to Shipped. Please do
not contact us if you didn't get your tracking number until after the timeline has passed.
We will e-mail you if there are any issues with your order. These emails may end up in your SPAMBOX. So, please check it every so often.